This module is designed to be connected to a Raspberry Pi board to add additional features, capabilities or interfaces to your project. It is frequently used in the fields of robotics, IoT, etc. For more information on programming, please consult the Wiki page.
Brand : Waveshare
Dimensions : 56 mm × 65 mm
Interaction elements : dual LEDs, joystick, buzzer, basic components
USB TO UART : CP2102, control the Pi via serial terminal
Display : 0.96" OLED
Clock : high-precision DS3231 real-time clock with battery backup slot
Analog-to-digital converter : PCF8591 8-bit screw terminal connection
GPIO expansion port : PCF8574 for even more possibilities
Infrared receiver : LFN0038K to make remote control a reality
Pressure sensor : BMP280, measuring air pressure and temperature
1-Wire interface : via DS18B20 supplied with the board
Sensor interface : for connecting various sensors
Connector type : USB
Compatible with : Raspberry Pi A+/B+/2B/3B
1. Raspberry Pi GPIO interface : to connect Raspberry Pi
2. USB TO UART : control the Pi via a serial terminal
3. AD/DA IO interface screw terminal
4. 1-WIRE interface : for connecting 1-WIRE devices such as the DS18B20
5. Sensor interface : for connecting various sensors
6. 0.96" OLED : SSD1306 driver, 128 × 64 resolution, SPI interface
7. Horn
8. CP2102 : USB TO UART converter
9. PCF8591 : 8-bit AD/DA converter, I2C interface
10. BMP180 : Pressure sensor, I2C interface
11. PCF8574 : I/O expansion chip, I2C interface
12. DS3231 : high-precision RTC chip, I2C interface
13. Power indicator
14. User LED
15. Joystick
16. IR receiver LFN0038K
Use of the bcm285 library is exclusive: once called, the wiringPi library and the Python module will no longer be functional until the Raspberry has been restarted.
1 * Pioneer600
1 * USB A to mini B cable
1 * DS18B20
2 * Spacers with screws
SKU | PR0000780 |
Country of Manufacture | Chine |
Manufacturer | Waveshare |