Bannière de présentation Telemesure.netBannière de présentation

The IoT data management platform:

A turnkey solution!

IoT Services platform

• Manage your IoT objects and collect data

Since 2015, the data supervision platform, developed and administered by Société Nationale des Objets Connectés (SNOC), has offered a complete solution for managing your connected objects, whatever their network connectivity. Thanks to your dedicated administration space, you have total control over your objects, with the ability to collect and process data emitted by your transmitters in just a few clicks.

Create customized alert scenarios

You can set up real-time alerts when thresholds are exceeded, enabling you to anticipate breakdowns or detect anomalies for optimized management of your connected equipment. These notifications can be received by SMS, voice call or on the application, according to your preferences.

Drive a multi-network IoT platform

The cloud platform is compatible with a variety of communication protocols. These include LPWAN long-range networks (SigFox, Lora Orange, Lora private), internet networks (MQTT/HTTP), mobile networks (LTE-M/GPRS/3G/4G), M2M ecosystems via SMS, and IoT satellites.

Interfaced with various IoT and M2M communication networks, it frees you from the constraints of managing telecom operators and the technical complexity of their connectivity.

Visual of the platformVisual of the platform
Geolocation visualGeolocation visual


Visual analysisVisual analysis


Visual alertVisual alert



• Manage your fleet of IoT objects remotely

Access your complete list of transmitters, visualize their location thanks to a mapping tool, create groups of connected objects according to their model, usage or geographical position.

• Process and analyze your data in real time

Know the temperature and/or humidity measurements in your premises, monitor door openings and/or closures, or track the real-time location of your industrial equipment. You'll also be able to know the transmitter's battery charge level and its status (active or inactive). All this data can be visualized via customizable dashboards (graphs, curves, dashboards).

Create triggers and manage alerts

Create triggers to detect when a threshold is exceeded, when a connected button is pressed, or when a piece of equipment is moved. Receive and customize alerts by choosing the time, recipients and type of notification. Depending on your preferences, you'll be informed either by e-mail, via the mobile application, by SMS or by voice call. Interventions can then be triggered and tracked.

| Multi-network IoT services platform


Sigfox Logo Sigfox Logo
LoraWan Logo LoraWan Logo
Logo LTE-MLogo LTE-M
Logo GSMLogo GSM
Logo AstrocastLogo Astrocast


| Our commitments

• Simplify sensor deployment

Our plug & play approach makes implementing IoT transmitters considerably easier. Our team manages the entire process for you, from sensor configuration and subscription to the creation of your private network. You can start collecting and using your data immediately, without the need for installation or complex configuration.

What's more, we take care of subscription management and the complexities of connecting to different telecom operators, allowing you to mix and match transmitters regardless of the network they use, while benefiting from a single invoice.

• Benefit from guaranteed security & service continuity

Our commitment to security, resilience and quality of service guarantees efficient processing of information flows from your connected objects, 24/7. With, you benefit from a complete, scalable solution for managing your IoT data, while remaining focused on your core business.

• Discover customized business applications

We're here to help you integrate your own communicating objects, while developing fully customized business applications tailored to your needs. Our aim is to meet your specific needs by optimizing your work processes, improving your productivity and providing better visibility of your operations.

Whatever your project, Télémesure offers you reliable, customized connectivity, backed by cutting-edge technologies and top-tier partners.

 •  Plug & Play stands out for its intuitive operation and ease of use, designed to let you connect your transmitters and collect data in just a few clicks. We've kept the technical side of things as simple as possible for you, eliminating the need for complex installation and configuration. You benefit from connectivity with a wide choice of operator subscriptions, which we activate in a matter of seconds.

Visual plug & playVisual plug & play

• Responsive web design platform

The platform offers total flexibility by automatically adapting to the terminal you use for consultation. Whether you access the platform from a PC, tablet or smartphone, you always have access to your data. You can view the status of your fleet in real time, and this universal accessibility keeps you informed and responsive, whatever the context.

Responsive platform visualResponsive platform visual

• 100% French platform

The data management platform is created by a French company (SNOC) with expertise in connected objects, from hardware to data and telecom solutions. We attach great importance to protecting your data, which is why we have chosen to design and manage the entire platform, entrusting database hosting to trusted sovereign partners.

Visual French platformVisual French platform

| interfaces

Visual interface Telemesure.netVisual interface
Visual interface Telemesure.netVisual interface mobile interface mobile interface visual
Visual interface Telemesure.netVisual interface