Réabonnement 1 an Télémesure + Sigfox 140msg / J

1 Year Subscription to Telemesure + Sigfox 140 msg/d

1 Year Subscription to Telemesure + LoraWAN Orange 144 msg/d

€38.40 €32.00
Offer reserved only for customers of the cloud platform Telesure.net wishing a renewal of one additional year.
Availability: In stock

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1 year subscription to the Cloud Telemesure.net platform, including 1 year Orange IoT LoRaWan network subscription 144 messages per day

Telemesure LogoTelemesure Logo

Telemesure.net is an IoT services platform that lets you control your objects, and collect and process the data sent by your transmitters, from your dedicated administration space. It's a responsive web platform that automatically adapts to the terminal used for consultation. Whether you're using a PC, a tablet or a smartphone, wherever you are, you can access your data and view your fleet of connected objects in real time.

This responsive design web platform automatically adapts to the terminal used for consultation. You have access to your data and you can visualize in real-time your connected objects park from any PC, tablet, smartphone, no matter where you are.

The platform supports various IoT and M2M communication networks available on the market, which frees you from managing telecom operators and the technical complexity of their connectivity. Anticipate breakdowns, detect thresholds being exceeded or raise an alarm. Thanks to the creation of alert scenarios, you can stay informed by receiving an e-mail, SMS or voice call.

• Collect, visualize, create alarm scenarios
Locate your transmitters on a cartographic tool, and visualize the activity of your connected objects park through graphics, curves and dashboards.
Set up alarm scenarios in order to ensure a continuity of service or to trigger an intervention.

• 100% French platform
We know your data is essential and sensitive, and that’s the reason why we chose to design and administer the platform entirely, and to entrust territorial actors with hosting the databases. This ensures your collected data remains safe and confidential.

• A Plug and Play offer
Particular attention has been paid to user-friendliness and ease of use, so that you can register, connect and start collecting data with just a few clicks.


Orange LoRaWan IoT telecommunications network

Orange LogoOrange Logo


The Orange LoRaWan network can send up to 144 messages a day, each 12 bytes long. It's a low-speed network with nationwide coverage.

Check your coverage here : https://www.orange-business.com/fr/reseau-iot

Discover all the features of Telemesure here : https://telemesure.com/index.php/gestion-des-objets-connectes/

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